About me

Cheers! I’m Lynne.

Storyteller. Marketing Strategist. Mixologist.

I love a good story…and I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at telling them. I’m also good at brand strategy and writing marketing briefs to launch products, campaigns, and events. But, to be really good at writing briefs, well… you must be BRIEF, which is one of the hardest things to do. I had to know my marketing objective, target audience, and product details thoroughly and communicate them clearly and with ease. 

So, after a 20+ year career doing marketing strategy, product innovation, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work for well-loved consumer brands, I am now living my brand story and helping others write theirs. Professionals, entrepreneurs, and businesses have so many things they want to tell their audiences about themselves or their product/service, but many struggle with how to condense their messaging into a few key points to tell a compelling story. 

It’s my mission to help them cut through the clutter to get brand clarity and communication confidence, to consistently attract ideal opportunities. 

lynne stokes, brand story, waving

Some fun facts about me: